West Pelton Primary School

West Pelton Primary School


Our Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) teacher is Miss Gallagher.

We currently offer up to 30 hours Nursery provision (9am – 3pm) term time only.  The school gate opens at 8:50am.

  • A school meal can be ordered for £2.81 / day or £14.05 / week alternatively children can bring their own packed lunch.
  • School meals are provided by Chartwells.
  • Morning snack (a piece of fruit) is provided.
  • Uniform (school jumper) can be purchased form our uniform supplier etika. Further information regarding our school uniform can be found in the Parents section of our website.


How are we using the EYPP funding?

Our entry data/assessments show that many children including those from the EYPP group start nursery at significantly below or below age related expectations in all areas of learning. We also see children whose well-being and self-esteem is particularly low and recognise the highly negative impact this has on their potential; to learn. In response to this analysis we are committed to help all children achieve their full potential by providing a high quality rich environment delivered through high quality teaching and learning experiences. The 3 Prime areas of learning will be addressed through the EYPP funding as they are crucial to the children’s wider subsequent learning and progress.

For the 2024-25 financial year the EYPP provides an extra 68p per hour per eligible pupil, up to 570 hours – so up to £388 per year, per pupil. At West Pelton Primary School and Nursery we see raising the attainment of disadvantaged children as part of our commitment to help all children to achieve their full potential by:

  • promoting an ethos of attainment for all pupils
  • focusing on high quality teaching and learning and effectively deploying staff to support disadvantaged children